EpiCenter publication: "Epigenetics in the Public Sphere"
This article aims to promote an open-minded and interdisciplinary dialogue between the public discourse on epigenetics and the current...

Vulnerability of Germ Cells: Ethics in the Time of Epigenetics
The Weismann barrier is not as impervious as previously thought—this is what epidemiological and animal studies in epigenetics suggest....
Epigenetics and the Public Sphere
Epigenetics has sometimes been described as a “buzzword” or a “fashion.” A quick look on the web suggests that epigenetics is, indeed,...
EpiCenter publication: "Environmental Politics of Reproduction"
What constitutes “human reproduction” is under negotiation as its biology, social nature, and cultural valences are increasingly...
Histone Modifications: Epigenetic Mediators of Environmental Exposure Memory
How organisms retain a memory of ancestral environmental exposure is a phenomenon that is still poorly understood. Recently published...
Organisms remember ancestral environmental chemical exposure
In this new study, Camacho and colleagues reveal that exposure to the plastic chemical Bisphenol A causes a transgenerational impact on...

New evidence of transgenerational impact of ancestral obesogen exposure
Bruce Blumberg and colleagues describe how exposure to the obesogen tributyltin (TBT), an antifouling agent added to paint, alters the...
Ancient viral DNA mimics cellular components to become inherited
A paper recently published in Current Biology examines how some mobile element in the genomes of animals have the ability to mimic...